Wednesday, May 30, 2012

One Week Later

As any parent before me will readily agree, I just can't believe how fast Max - or any baby for that fact - progresses. One day you are bringing home a squished up little bundle of cute, a little bit later arms and legs start flailing sparatically, random noises come along, and now almost 1 year later Max has OFFICIALLY taken his first steps. Just last week we could barely get him to raise his foot and then yesterday Jason and I were sitting on the floor a few feet away from each other and he set Max down, made sure he was balanced and Max would walk to me - about 3 steps. Then I'd turn him around, balance, and back to daddy he'd go, laughing, wobbling and grinning from ear to ear. He did this about 5 or 6 was exhilerating to see his confidence grow and to watch how excited he was about his new ability. At this rate, he should be ready to show off for his 1st Birthday coming up!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

That's one small step for Maxwell...

This is a blog about Max, is it not? Therefore, henceforward and heretofore (and so on and so forth) I've decided that I need to start writing about Max not just posting pictures. There are so many wonderful things about him that bring smiles and laughter to Jason and I and it's inevitable that I won't remember ALL of them. So, thanks to our friends in Switzerland and THIS post I will try my very best to document "Maxisms". So yesterday I think it's a fair to say I'm pretty sure we saw Max take his first step. Lately he's been unwittingly standing on his own so we've been encouraging him to move forward before he realizes he's not hanging onto anything; and lo and behold that little chubby foot inched up and forward and down just before he lunged into daddy's arms. We were so excited we screamed and cheered and scared poor Max half to death making him cry. Way to go mom and dad, now he'll never want to walk for fear of being screamed at.